Mike Kamminga

Automatically name color tokens

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Here's a summary of the dataflow graph:

  1. Input and Color Mixing: The graph starts with a generic input node providing a base color (RGB: 0.204, 0.341, 0.824). This color is then mixed with another color (RGB: 0.788, 0.141, 0.141) using a color mix node, with a 50% mix value.

  2. Color Comparison: The original input color and the mixed color are compared using a color compare node, allowing visual inspection of the difference.

  3. Color Naming and Conversion: The mixed color is passed through a color name node, which likely assigns a name based on its properties. The color is also converted to a hexadecimal string representation.

  4. Token Creation: A design token is created using the color name "mediumvioletred" and the hexadecimal color value "#9d447a". This token is defined as a color type.

  5. Output: The created design token is connected to an output node, making it available for use in other systems or processes.

Key Insights:

  1. The graph demonstrates a process of creating a named color token from a mix of two colors.
  2. It showcases color space conversions (sRGB to LAB) and different color representations (RGB, LAB, Hex).
  3. The workflow is dynamic, allowing for changes in the input color to propagate through the entire process, potentially creating different color tokens based on the input.
  4. There's a balance between automated processes (color mixing, naming) and manual input (defining token type and structure).

This graph represents a sophisticated color token generation system that could be part of a larger design system or token management toolkit.